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Stage 4 Cancer Survivor Wins 7 Medals at Bodybuilding Show
2022May 27
Last week I competed at the NPC Triumph where I competed in 7 categories and won five 1st place finishes, one 2nd place, and one 3rd place for a total of 7 Medals! This incredible milestone meant a lot to me since I was battling cancer only a year prior to this. I hope you feel inspired by this video :) Filmed and edited by Nicholas Klepper: Enjoy the videos and don't forget to follow for the upcoming interesting Workout ➢ Facebook -   / fiftyshakesofwheyyy   ➢ Twitter -   / bodiesbyangel   ➢ Linkedin -   / angel-ariel-casas-03274b77   ➢ Instagram -   / fiftyshakesofwhey_   ➢ tiktok - Thank you for your support! We love to hear from you, so please continue to comment, like, and favorite. Is there a favorite story you want us to feature? Go ahead and leave us a comment and we’ll have it up for you soon!

Fiftyshakesofwhey (Angel-Ariel Casas)

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